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Note: All ICLEF Publications are protected under © copyright laws of the United States and may not be disseminated, by or through any means, without prior written approval of the Indiana Continuing Legal Education Forum (ICLEF), 230 East Ohio Street, Suite 300, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 // ph: (317) 637-9102 // fax: (317) 633-8780 // e-mail: iclef@iclef.org
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ OVERVIEWThis program is designed to guide you through the concepts, mechanics, duties, special situations, ethical matters and current practice issues involved with Adult Guardianships. Co-Sponsored with:
AGENDA 8:30 A.M. Registration & Coffee
8:55 A.M. Welcome & Program Objectives
9:00 A.M. Case Launch Phase Ken Bennett
a. Launching a Guardianship Proceeding.
b. Preparing for the Uncontested Hearing.
c. Preparing for the Contested Hearing.
d. Discovery Rules and Evidence Rules.
10:00 A.M. Post-Hearing Phase (Topic Begins) Sara McClammer
a. Reports, Inventories and Accountings.
b. Actions Requiring Court Approval.
c. Successor Guardians and Removal of Guardians.
d. Termination of Guardianships.
e. Special Legal Tools Available to Guardians
10:30 A.M. Coffee Break10:45 A.M. Post-Hearing Phase (Topic Completes)
Sara McClammer
11:15 A.M. Temporary Guardianships Mollie Golden
a. When Is a Temporary Guardianship Appropriate?
b. Special Rules Applicable to Temporary Guardians.
12:00 P.M. Lunch Break
1:00 P.M. Ethical Issues in Guardianship Ken Bennett
a. Confidentiality in the Age of E-Filing
b. Obligations to Honor Rights to Due Process.
c. Advising Guardians on Methods of Ethical Decision Making.
d. Issues surrounding attorney representation of the ward
e. When guardianship doesn’t “work” anymore
2:00 P.M. Coffee Break
2:15 P.M. Case Law, Statutory Updates & Other Current Trends in Guardianship
Ken Bennett
3:15 P.M. Judicial Panel
Judges Barton, Certo, Glasser, and Evans
4:30 P.M. Adjourn
To receive CLE credit for an ICLEF On-Demand or a LIVE WEBCAST seminar, you must watch the program in its entirety. ICLEF is unable to award partial CLE credit for viewing ICLEF On-Demand or LIVE WEBCAST seminars. You will have 30 days from the date-of-purchase to complete your ICLEF distance learning seminar. If you are unable to complete the LIVE WEBCAST seminar on the scheduled date of the seminar, ICLEF will place a copy of the ON DEMAND version of the program in your ICLEF Online Account three (3) to five (5) business days after the LIVE WEBCAST concludes. Please call or email ICLEF should you have further questions (317) 637-9102 or iclef@iclef.org