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8:45 A.M. Login Time Opens for Online Participants Please note -We will be utilizing a previously recorded presentation of "Gain the Edge!" recorded with in-person participants to provide a more engaging experience for you. Marty Latz will be with us for the live webcast, interjecting with further commentary and answering your questions throughout the day's agenda. 9:00 A.M. Introduction – The “Car Negotiation Story”
9:10A.M.Discuss Latz’s Golden Rules of Negotiation, including: - Setting aggressive – yet realistic – goals - Information is power – so get it! - Increasing leverage by strengthening your alternatives
10:30A.M.Break 10:45A.M.Negotiation Ethics – Part I, including discussion of Stalking Horse Scenario and its: - Morality – is it right or wrong? - Ethics or Legality – does it cross the legal or ethical line? - Effectiveness – does it work? 11:15A.M.Discuss Negotiation Strategies, including: - Using objective criteria with “tough negotiators” - Using timing to your advantage
12:00P.M.Lunch (on your own) 1:00P.M. Discuss Negotiation Strategies, including: - Designing offer-concession strategies - Controlling the agenda 1:30P.M.Prepare to Negotiate Simulation, including: - Learning information-gathering techniques - Analyzing interests vs. positions - Creatively generating options 2:00P.M.Negotiation Simulation
2:30P.M.Analyze Negotiation Simulation, including - Evaluating Lessons Learned – what worked and what didn’t 2:45P.M.Break 3:00P.M.Discuss Negotiation Strategies, including: - Problem-Solving vs Competitive Strategies - Impasse-Breaking Strategies - Countering “Negotiation Games” 4:00P.M.Negotiation Ethics – Part II, including discussion of The “False Promise” Scenario and its: - Morality – is it right or wrong? - Ethics or Legality – does it cross the legal or ethical line? - Effectiveness – does it work? 4:30P.M.Adjourn
To receive CLE credit for an ICLEF On-Demand or a LIVE WEBCAST seminar, you must watch the program in its entirety. ICLEF is unable to award partial CLE credit for viewing ICLEF On-Demand or LIVE WEBCAST seminars. You will have 30 days from the date-of-purchase to complete your ICLEF distance learning seminar. If you are unable to complete the LIVE WEBCAST seminar on the scheduled date of the seminar, ICLEF will place a copy of the ON DEMAND version of the program in your ICLEF Online Account three (3) to five (5) business days after the LIVE WEBCAST concludes. Please call or email ICLEF should you have further questions (317) 637-9102 or
6 CME Hours
1 Ethics
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