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This program is only approved for those who have received a waiver from the Office of Admissions & Continuing Legal Education (ACE)for the required Applied Professionalism Course. You may only receive credit for attending this program if you have been approved for a waiver by ACE.
Welcome New Attorneys! By directive of the Indiana Supreme Court, all newly admitted attorneys must attend an in-person, six-hour Commission-approved course on Applied Professionalism within their first three-year mandatory continuing legal educational cycle. This course meets this requirement for you!
Agenda 8:30 A.M. Registration and Coffee 8:55 A.M.Welcome and Course Objectives F. Anthony Paganelli, Chair
9:00 A.M.Civility and Professionalism: What’s it Really All About? Hon. Leanna K. Weissmann
9:30 A.M.Conflicts of Interest Margaret M. Christensen
10:00 A.M.Trust Accounts and IOLTA Margaret M. Christensen 10:45 A.M.Coffee Break
11:00 A.M.Malpractice Insurance Coverage Needs for Today's Legal Practice Eric. C. Redman 11:30 A.M.A Call for Help: The Judges and Lawyers Assistance Program (JLAP) Ashley E. Hart
12:15 P.M.Lunch Break 1:15 P.M.Vignettes of Legal Ethics Charles M. Kidd Attorney-Client Relationships, Attorney Fees, Confidentiality, Client Communication, Fiduciary Duties, Who is your Client?, Relationships With 3rd Parties, Case Management & Record Keeping
2:45 P.M. Refreshment Break
3:00 P.M.Understanding the Ethics of Business Development and Marketing F. Anthony Paganelli, Rebecca W. Geyer, Frederick W. Schultz
3:30 P.M.Cheat Codes for Your Legal Career Monica S. McCoskey, F. Anthony Paganelli
4:30 P.M.Adjourn To receive CLE credit for an ICLEF On-Demand or a LIVE WEBCAST seminar, you must watch the program in its entirety. ICLEF is unable to award partial CLE credit for viewing ICLEF On-Demand or LIVE WEBCAST seminars. You will have 30 days from the date-of-purchase to complete your ICLEF distance learning seminar. If you are unable to complete the LIVE WEBCAST seminar on the scheduled date of the seminar, ICLEF will place a copy of the ON DEMAND version of the program in your ICLEF Online Account three (3) to five (5) business days after the LIVE WEBCAST concludes. Please call or email ICLEF should you have further questions (317) 637-9102