Join us!
Please join Indiana Worker's Compensation Board Chair Linda Hamilton, program Co-Chair Matt Golitko, along with their faculty discussion leaders and several members of the Indiana Worker's Compensation Board for the annual Masters program. Be sure to register and reserve your spot now as attendance is in-person only!
AGENDA8:30 A.M. Registration and Coffee
8:55 A.M. Welcome to the Masters
Program Chairs: Hon. Linda P. Hamilton, Matthew M. Golitko
9:00 A.M. The Importance of Choices: Weighing an injured party’s desire to
choose their physicians v. the insurance company’s exclusive right
to direct medical care.
Discussion Leaders: Krysten M. LeFavour, Robert J. Doyle
10:30 A.M. Coffee Break
10:45 A.M. Burdens and Delays: From Case Intake to Resolution
Discussion Leaders: Enrique Flores, Carla R. Hounshel
12:15 P.M. Lunch Break (On Your Own)
1:15 P.M. Various Affirmative Defenses and How to Both Prove or Disprove Those
Discussion Leaders: George C. Patrick, Paul T. Fulkerson
2:45 P.M. Refreshment Break
3:00 P.M. Jurisdiction / Choice of Law / 30 minutes of Ethical Discussion.
Discussion Leaders: Georgia L. Hartman, Robert F. Dolack
4:30 P.M. Adjourn
Please make your reservations with the Hilton Indianapolis Hotel and Suites by CLICKING HERE or calling 317.972.0600. Please mention ICLEF when calling to book your reservation. Rates and reservations are subject to availability.