8:40 A.M. Welcome & Introduction
Holiday W. Banta
8:45 A.M. Hot Topics in IP Law
T.J. Cole
9:40 A.M. Coffee Break
9:50 A.M. Canadian Patent Prosecution Under The 2022 Patent Rules:
What Foreign Applicants and Their Representatives Should Know
Isabelle Girard
10:45 A.M. Coffee Break
10:55 A.M. Design Patent Issues in LKQ Corp. v. GM Global
John Daniluck
11:50 A.M. Lunch (on your own)
1:10 P.M. Patent Term Adjustment Considerations and Tips
Fabian Koenigbauer
2:05 P.M. Coffee Break
2:15 P.M. A Ruthlessly Practical Approach to Brand Protection
William M. Mansfield
3:15 P.M. Coffee Break
3:25 P.M. United States Patent and Trademark Office Update
James O. Wilson, Assistant Regional Director USPTO,
Midwest Regional Office of the USPTO
4:00 P.M. Adjournment
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