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Knowledge of the Trust Account Rules is vitally important, so here is your chance to get it right. ICLEF and the Disciplinary Commission have once again partnered for this unique program that will emphasize not only "how" to do it, but also "why" it should be done the right way. Examples will be provided, to help illustrate the information presented.
This program will also be beneficial to office administrators and paralegals used by law firms to handle trust account management matters. CURRICULUM This will be a course in which participants receive multi-process training in Trust Account Management.
Beyond the Requirement – The Real Importance of Trust Accounts
Setting up the Account
Trust Account Spread Sheets
Deposits and Payments from Client Funds
General Ledgers and Individual Client Ledgers
The IOLTA Program Step by Step
AGENDA 8:30 A.M. Registration & Coffee for In-Person Participants 8:45 A.M. Login Time Opens for Webcast Participants 9:00 A.M. Program Begins 10:30 A.M. 15 Minute Coffee Break 12:15 P.M. Adjourn
To receive CLE credit for an ICLEF On-Demand or a LIVE WEBCAST seminar, you must watch the program in its entirety. ICLEF is unable to award partial CLE credit for viewing ICLEF On-Demand or LIVE WEBCAST seminars. You will have 30 days from the date-of-purchase to complete your ICLEF distance learning seminar. If you are unable to complete the LIVE WEBCAST seminar on the scheduled date of the seminar, ICLEF will place a copy of the ON DEMAND version of the program in your ICLEF Online Account three (3) to five (5) business days after the LIVE WEBCAST concludes. Please call or email ICLEF should you have further questions (317) 637-9102 or
3 Ethics
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